Thursday 25 April 2019

Happy Easter!!! … On BREXIT Times

by Laura Lai/ Uncategorized

When the political circumstances had asked for it, the European Union (EU) - through its Brussels voice – reminded that the EU is a ‘Christian club’. But most of the times neither the EU nor Brussels make a big fuss out of being a ‘Christian club’. They must have their reasons. And I have the democratic right to be reserved on all political matters.
             Theoretically speaking and at a quick look the EU hosts most of the Anglicans, many Catholics, Protestants, Neo-Protestants, Orthodox, and God knows what other Christian religions. They might outnumber other religions and the atheists, but this is not the point of this blog article. The point is to stick to the ‘Christian club’ idea in the context of the upcoming Easter and to approach it in the cheer up spirit of this blog.

On March 21st, 2019 took place in Brussels the EU Summit on Art. 50. Following this summit, BREXIT’s deadline was postponed from March 29th to October 31st. And new questions started circulating in the British public space: Where will the politicians start from, in order to deliver BREXIT? To be or not to be a BREXEWEEN, on October 31st? What do Leavers and Remainers expect to happen in this time period until the new BREXIT deadline?
            I first expect… Easter! Europe has different Easter traditions. Would a Brussels Easter tradition start in these six months until BREXIT? As it sometimes claims to be a ‘Christian club’ the Great Thursday would be the best moment to start such a tradition: On the Great Thursday a European Summit to reunite Heads of State and Governments would take place in Brussels. The public will have to bear seeing again Merkel, Macron and so on and so forth, and Theresa May until the UK will leave the EU. But in comparison to the other summits, there will be no tables in front of them, but some European bureaucrats coming to each of them, in order to wash their feet. That would be in the practical Christian spirit! In this new context, new Easter political questions may be raised: Do the archives of the Vatican have an old document proving that Jesus Christ also kissed the feet of the apostles? Gosh! Public opinions polls might be paid by an institute or another asking questions such as: ‘Do you think that Jesus kissed the feet of the apostles?’ Or, ‘Do you think that the Vatican has such a document in its archives?’ And what decision to take if the Vatican does not have such a document, but … surprise! an overwhelming majority of … 100% of those interviewed actually believe that Jesus Christ kissed the feet of the apostles? Would the European bureaucrats do the same during the Brussels Easter Summit?

Until a new tradition will begin in Brussels and the European Heads of State and Government will gather for the Brussels Easter Summit, an even greater question will remain unanswered: What European Head of State and Government is more ticklish at its feet? Shall it be Theresa May?! Maybe it is Merkel?! Or maybe Macron?! Or… who knows?!

I hope this blog article cheered you all up, my readers! HAPPY EASTER!!!

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