Monday 1 June 2020

International Children’s Day 2020. Adults and Children, ‘Be Best’!


Since 1925 when it was first proclaimed in Geneva (Switzerland) the day of June 1st has been celebrated as the ‘International Children’s Day’. It is also the day when adults – like me – hope, from the bottom of the heart, to read some positive statistics on the improvement of children’s life quality. But then come recent statistics released by the ‘Eurostat’ stating that almost a quarter (23,4 percent) of the European Union’s children (with Slovenia scoring the best and Romania scoring the worse) are ‘children at risk of poverty and social exclusion’.[1] I try to be optimistic – at least on Children’s Day – and hope that maybe the other three quarters are living in wealth and social inclusion.
            On the International Children’s Day, children gathers, in order to make drawings on the paper or on the streets, they participate in different contests, share balloons, etc. Actually adults, who take decisions in the states the children are living, can do more than organizing contests and streets drawings. They can work to find ways so that more money to be monthly allocated to children, in order to cover their parents’ expenses with raising a child. Children can be allocated more money to buy books, to buy a cinema/theatre ticket, visit a museum or make a trip, buy candies or balloons, but somehow adults can’t and children aren’t. States can create mechanisms that children’s money not to be spent on alcohol by their parents where such is the case, but somehow states don’t and children are spent the money. Therefore, the International Children’s Day is the day to remember that children have rights and adults have obligations towards them.

‘Be Best’ is a campaign …
In the United States the International Children’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of June – it looks like the whole month of June there are global children’s celebrations. One of the national and international programs that center itself on children and youth is the ‘Be Best’ initiative, but let us not forget the ‘Reach Centre’ recently inaugurated by the First Lady at the Kennedy Center – a campus for Arts and Humanities where youth can gather to experience music, theatre and all other performing arts.[2]
On May 7th, the ‘Be Best’ campaign celebrated 2 years old. It is a child, too, but who did so much work as for an adult: it met medical doctors, teachers, ambassadors, government leaders, elected officials, representatives of the tech community, nearly 4,000 students, visited over 20 classrooms, invited thousands of children and students to the White House on different occasions (ex. Family Theatre night screening a movie on the great contribution of the Afro-American women to the NASA project),[3] read Christmas and Easter stories[4], and it toured nationally and internationally to raise awareness on the challenges children and youth face. Amid COVID-19 pandemic it sent books, games, bags, pencils and stickers to the medical staff and young patients in hospitals.[5]

that has three pillars…
From the very beginning this campaign focused on three pillars: the well being of the children (meaning a healthy living, encouragement, kindness and compassion) – regarding the children as human beings, who have the right to be respected and treated equally; the second pillar is the online safety – in this context meetings were hold with the tech community for programs and applications for online safety and innovations that can improve the life quality of children with disabilities, too. Furthermore, a booklet of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission with lots of useful advice for adults concerning the online safety of their children is promoted (and can be downloaded free of charge) within the ‘Be Best’ campaign.[6]
And the third pillar focuses on the opioids pandemic that caused thousands of overdose dead – it supports families and children affected by opioids to recover and teaches about healthy pregnancies. In October 2019 statistics showed first signs of healthy recovery from the opioid pandemic with a national drop of 5.1 percent in overdose deaths with a serious drop in most-hitted states: Ohio (24 percent), Pennsylvania (23 percent), Iowa (19 percent), Kentucky (17 percent), etc.[7]

…and that goes from national to international.
This campaign raises awareness and gives a voice to the concerns and struggles of children in the United States and in the world. The ‘Be Best’ message was taken so far to Egypt, Ghana, India, Japan, Kenya, Malawi, United Kingdom.[8]

‘Be Best’ is run by the First Lady, Melania Trump,…
It is said that as long as each of us has parents, we are still children, even if children become adults and have children of their own, as it is also the case of Melania Trump, who said that she runs this campaign as a First Lady and as a mother.
            In February 2020, the First Lady was invited by the Palm Beach Atlantic University to be awarded the 2020 ‘Woman of Distinction’ Award.[9] And Melania invited her parents at this ceremony to thank them for the support over the years, their efforts and struggles. Therefore, the First Lady would like that children find in the ‘Be Best’ campaign the support they need to ‘become their very best selves.’

…is a 2 years old campaign that is still learning…
On the occasion of her trip to India, the First Lady participated in a ‘happiness curriculum’ class, which is something rare around the globe. It is a mindfulness program that most probably explains why many people from poor countries usually answer that they are happy in statistics that measure the level of happiness.[10]

On the occasion of the second anniversary of the ‘Be Best’ national and international campaign, Melania Trump said:

‘I’m reminded that now, more than ever, we must continue to work together and champion the issues that face our children in order to strengthen, protect and provide them with a safe and more secure future.’[11]

…and gathers many fans around the world.
Like me! I appreciate the sincerity and the commitment of this first non-native American First Lady, born in Slovenia, who has looked into her heart and chose to focus on children and youth – as the future of her adoptive country that she wants great again; and for which she volunteers.


To sum up, the International Children’s Day is celebrated by most of the countries on June 1st, as well as in other days during the month of June or during the year – depending on the traditions in each country. It is an occasion to remember that children have rights, too and that adults have responsibilities and obligations towards them. Those adults empowered to take decisions can and should take more measures to improve the quality of life of both children and adults.
            ‘Be Best’ is a national and international campaign run by the First Lady Melania Trump. It raises awareness on the challenges children and teens face and it promotes their wellbeing, their online safety and a healthy life out of the use of drugs. This campaign for children and youth reached 2 years old and I wish it and all children:

[1] ‘Children at Risk of Poverty and Social Exclusion’. Eurostat. March 4th, 2020. Web. May 28th, 2020.
[2] ‘First Lady Melania Trump Attends a Dedication Ceremony at the Kennedy Center. You Tube. September 11th, 2019. Web. May 28th, 2020.
[3] ‘First Lady Melania Trump Hosts Students at the White House Movie Theater’. You Tube. February 13th, 2020. Web. May 28th, 2020.
[4] ‘White House Easter Egg Roll: Reading Book with First Lady Melania Trump’. You Tube. April 2nd, 2018. Web. May 28th, 2020.
[5] Superville, Darlene. ‘First Lady Sends Gifts to Hospitals Dealing with Coronavirus.’ AP News. April 24th, 2020. Web. May 28th, 2020.
[6] ‘Talking with Kids about Being Online’. Be Best. May 2018. Website. May 28th, 2020.
[7] Stein, Shira. “Overdose Deaths Drop Sharply in States Hard Hit by Opioid Crisis”. Bloomberg Law. 30 October 2019. Web. 2 December 2019.
[8] ‘Be Best International’. Be Best – First Lady Melania Trump’s Initiative. Website. May 28th, 2020.
[9] Lewis, Victoria. ‘First Lady Melania Trump Receives Award from Palm Beach Atlantic University.’ WPTV. February 19th, 2020. Web. May 28th, 2020.
[10] Scandinavians are usually first runners in statistics measuring happiness (expected given many life quality factors). Surprising results are those related to poor countries, where respondents say that they are happy. My assumption started from the fact that people are generally either spiritual or materialistic and those who are spiritual do not need lots of material things to feel happy, while those more materialistic search into the material world for that special feeling of happiness – and some find it, while others need to accumulate more. Now, I learned to consider this ‘happiness curriculum’ as an alternative possible factor that may explain polls’ results on happiness. Anyway, my belief is that ‘happiness’ and ‘comfortability’ are two concepts that relate to ‘spirituality’ and to ‘materialism’. Therefore, I think that where life quality can be improved, people are not only feeling happy, but also more comfortable (and they can live longer, healthier, etc.).
[11] Trump, Melania. ‘Be Best’. Twitter. May 7th, 2020. Tweet. May 28th, 2020.

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