Monday 1 July 2019

The POV in Writing (II)

by Laura Lai/ Uncategorized

Third Person Limited POV:
‘At last the door opened, and his servant entered. He turned gazed eyes upon him.
‘Mr. Campbell, sir,’ said the man.
A sigh of relief broke from his parched lips, and the colour came back to his cheeks.
‘Ask him to come in at once, Francis.’ He felt he was himself again. His mood of cowardice had passed away.
The man bowed and retired. In a few moments Alan Campbell walked in, looking very stern and rather pale, his pallor being intensified by his coalblack hair and dark eyebrows.’ Oscar Wilde – The Picture of Dorian Gray

From Third Person Limited to First Person POV:
‘At last the door opened, and my servant entered. He turned gazed eyes upon me.
‘Mr. Campbell, sir,’ said the man.
A sigh of relief broke from my parched lips, and the colour came back to my cheeks.
‘Ask him to come in at once, Francis.’ I felt I was myself again. My mood of cowardice had passed away.
The man bowed and retired. In a few moments Alan Campbell walked in, looking very stern and rather pale, his pallor being intensified by his coalblack hair and dark eyebrows.’

From Third Person Limited to Third Person Objective POV:
‘At last the door opened, and his servant entered. He turned gazed eyes upon him.
‘Mr. Campbell, sir,’ said the man.
A sigh of relief broke from his parched lips, and the colour came back to his cheeks.
‘Ask him to come in at once, Francis.’ He seemed to be himself again. His mood of cowardice looked as if it never was there.
The man bowed and retired. In a few moments Alan Campbell walked in, looking very stern and rather pale, his pallor being intensified by his coalblack hair and dark eyebrows.’

From Third Person Limited to Third Person Omniscient POV:
‘At last the door opened, and his servant entered. He turned gazed eyes upon him.
‘Mr. Campbell, sir,’ said the man.
A sigh of relief broke from his parched lips, and the colour came back to his cheeks.
‘Ask him to come in at once, Francis.’ He felt he was himself again. His mood of cowardice had passed away.
The man bowed and retired. In a few moments Alan Campbell walked in, he was stern and rather pale, his pallor being intensified by his coalblack hair and dark eyebrows.’

Third Person Omniscient POV:
‘Jude was too much affected to go on talking at first; she, too, was now such a mere cluster of nerves that all initiatory power seemed to have left, and they proceeded through the fog like Acherontic shades for a long while sound or gesture.’ Thomas Hardy – Jude The Obscure

From Third Person Omniscient to First Person POV:
Jude was too much affected to go on talking at first; I was, too, now such a mere cluster of nerves that all initiatory power seemed to have left, and we proceeded through the fog like Archerontic shades for a long while sound or gesture.

From Third Person Omniscient to Third Person Objective POV:
Jude looked too much affected to go on talking at first; she, too, seemed now such a mere cluster of nerves that all initiatory power seemed to have left, and they proceeded through the fog like Acherontic shades for a long while sound or gesture.

From Third Person Omniscient to Third Person Limited POV:
Jude looked too much affected to go on talking at first; she, too, was now such a mere cluster of nerves that all initiatory power seemed to have left, and they proceeded through the fog like Acherontic shades for a long while sound or gesture.

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