Wednesday 17 February 2021

Germany Criticizes the EU Commission – Vaccine’s Side-Effect?! (II)


by Laura Lai/ Comment

It seems that the speedboat made in Germany collided with the European tanker. The European Commission will send a letter ‘to advise them against closing borders to stem the spread of coronavirus’. [6]

            It makes sense for the Commission to send a letter – it is what it usually does, it is part of its attributions, and it justifies their income. But it does not make any sense under these circumstances when its vaccination strategy against the SARS-COV-2 virus is at 3-4 percent and the virus is mutating itself into something worse.

            Second, it would have made some sense if this letter would have been accompanied by suggestions for alternative procedures. But it seems that during pandemics, there are not many options besides lockdowns, mask-wearing, and vaccines.

            Third, during pandemic times, a letter from some bureaucrats on … borders is less relevant than the recommendations of a doctor, particularly an epidemiologist. The last thing in the world epidemiologists recommends (during pandemics when we do not yet master vaccination) is free circulation. But I can agree that people who live in one country and work across the border in a neighboring one should be allowed to go to work if they prove to be healthy and they cannot work from home – Indeed, I would surprise myself agreeing with the European Commission if the Commission mentioned this category of people in its letter. No, I have not read the letter because I am afraid that my disappointment about the Commission would get deeper.

            Fourth, speaking of being in ‘solidarity with the small and the less wealthy’ I think we must include the doctors, too – We are all ‘small’ in comparison to the ‘high officials’ in Brussels. And definitely less wealthy! The government of New Zealand had announced at the beginning of this pandemic crisis that it was in solidarity with the society with a concrete 20 percent pay cut for the following six months. [7] This kind of solidarity is easier to understand for me than the European plea for solidarity with the ‘small and less wealthy’ countries that needed to get the vaccine first and we discover Bulgaria on the list with 0.8 percent. I remember doctors were promised by the Commission some financial bonuses that will come from European public money, meaning all citizens’ contributions. And I hope it is not only the government of Germany that receives letters but also the doctors will receive a letter announcing to them that they can pick up the money they were promised, the money they worked for, the money that some of them did not live to get.

            Fifth, many countries closed borders with everybody, not only with a region of Austria and with the neighboring Czech Republic. Israel, for example, closed its borders and was vaccinating its population. New Zealand closed borders with everybody. The European Commission suggests circulating freely when vaccines are scarce?! The free circulation of people and goods is a fundamental principle of the European Union, but at this vaccination rate and with this European vaccination strategy that has had poor results so far, there will be few or no people and goods to circulate after the pandemic. Let us make a beloved imagination exercise for the Commission and imagine the United Kingdom member of the European Union with its rate of new daily cases and with its daily death toll, but with the European vaccination rhythm. What would have been left of the United Kingdom today? – Is the free circulation principle more fundamental than life itself? I do not think so! 

            Enough with constructively criticizing the European Commission! – It will never change. Let us have a quick look at this speedboat clash with the European tanker from the member states’ point of view. The European Commission is purchasing the vaccines for all member states – It is supposed so because it was so decided in 2020. But the states were also given the liberty to strike deals with those suppliers with whom the Commission is not negotiating. [8] And from 27 member states, it is only Hungary that thought to use this privilege?! It was expected given its past experience during the 2015 migration crisis and the European inefficiency. Hungary thought to contact the suppliers of the Russian vaccines, Sputnik V – scientifically proved to have over 90 percent efficiency. Why is it that all the other 26 countries are waiting for the European Commission to do this job? Because it is its assigned task and all citizens pay for it? – Oh, please! The wise men used to say that ‘if you want something done well, you have to do it yourself!’

To sum up, I was surprised by the recent collision between the speedboat made in Germany and the European tanker that is stuck with no essence – metaphorical meaning for ‘vaccine’. J For a second, I thought that it might be a vaccine side-effect, but it can't be with the low vaccination rate in the European Union. Whatever the European reasons to have vaccinated 3-4 percent of the population might be, Israel vaccinated over 60 percent of its population – Therefore, who does not have a Benjamin, to borrow one! J In this collision between the speedboat and the tanker, I was not disappointed by the arguments – they were metaphorical, on both sides. J

I do not believe that doctors all over the world continuously pretend for almost a year that they are busy with an invisible deadly virus spreading, mutating, and killing around and that they somehow enjoy staying in hospitals more than staying home with their families. Many terrible diseases have been eradicated with vaccines and I do not understand where the idea that Bill Gates uses these vaccines to introduce a microchip into our bodies. But if I am wrong, I hope Bill Gates will choose the magical ‘healthy and prosperity microchip' for each of us. J Stay well and stay safe! (the end)

Other sources:

 World Health Organization

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