Wednesday 6 February 2019

Donald Trump Delievered his Second State of the Union. Melania Says: 'Be Best'

Official White House Photo, by Andrea Hanks

by Laura Lai/ Essay

On February 5th, 2019 the President Donald J. Trump delivered his second State of the Union speech in front of the US Congress. Loyal to his campaign’s motto, this year speech was again centered on great Americans, on reviewing the achievements of Trump Administration and on outlining the way forward, in order to make America great again.

But the activity of the US (Institution of the) First Lady is not to be left aside either. While the President is fighting to make America great again, the First Lady says 'Be Best'. The 'Be Best' is an educational campaign at the initiative of the First Lady, Melania Trump, centered on children in schools, in care centers and/or as patients in hospitals. If the First Lady should have delivered a speech in front of the US Congress, how would the speech be like?

It would most probably start with an elegant and committed woman taking the floor.

'Madam Speaker,
Mr. Vice-President,
Members of the Congress,
The President of the United States,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

it is a great honor for me to be here and to talk to you about the 'Be Best' campaign that is a national and international project of the Institution of the First Lady of the United States of America.

The 'Be Best' campaign has at its core the essence of the future: our children. It is based on three pillars: the (social and emotional) well-being of children, the (positive and the negative effects) of the social media on our children, and the consequences of the opioid abuse (on healthy pregnancies included).

My belief is that education is very important and it requires both a top-down approach (through national educational policies), as well as a bottom-up approach (through proposals coming from teachers and their pupils). In raising awareness on the importance to protect, to teach and to empower our children, I took part in roundtables, I visited national and international schools in the US and abroad, I took part to classes, and I talked to national and international politicians and teachers alike.

My most recent international tour, under the motto 'Be Best in Africa', approached the importance of education for the future of the state in Ghana, Kenya, Malawi and Egypt. We, as adults, have also a responsibility towards our children from choosing the right words in talking to them, to preserving the ancient cultural heritage, like the one in Egypt. I have been beautiful impressed by the Nairobi National Park and I would like to thank for the invitation to the National Theater of Kenya. All these elements are educational parts of a whole that puts at its core the healthy development of our children.

At Cape Coast, in Ghana, I walked through a symbolic 'Door of No Return': I firmly believe that the growth and success of our country, the United States of America, as of any other state in this world starts by educating our children.

I am committed to put all my efforts in the 'Be Best' campaign. And everybody is invited to join me in my efforts, by writing about, by bringing new ideas, by donated books. Or by being encouraging, kind, compassionate and respectful with your children. Thank you!’

And it would most probably end with standing ovations from both the Republicans and the Democrats.

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