Sunday 1 September 2019

Creative Writing Exercise #8

by Laura Lai/ Uncategorized

I’m very happy to be back on this writing blog! I missed the month of August and I paused working on my Brexit drama because I had another writing project to finish. It’s a creative and German language writing trip journal to Vienna, to which I’m trying now to find a publisher.

That text in German allowed me to shortly refer to the Chinese language, to include a quote from Martin Luther King and to use the proverb ‘speechless like a mummy’. And I came up with this fantasy dialogue to mark my return to this blog and to the drama, on which I’m working since January 2019 and which still needs some technical and argumentative improvements. Enjoy it!


(Scene: a room, man standing with the back to the woman, a woman at the writing table, an armchair)

Man.    So… you’re back?! Just like that?! You left without leaving me any message and you return the way you left!
Woman. Oh?! I thought you like surprises.
M.        I do! But not this kind of surprises! You left me for somebody else! (touching his head with his hands) Don’t you get it? You left me for somebody else, you…you…
W.       Come on! Say it! Me… what? Bitch?
M.        No, not bitch. (shouting) Adulterous woman!
W.       (she stands up, goes to him and try to touch him) Come ooon… let’s not exaggerate.
M.        Don’t touch me! (he makes a step away)
W.       I’m finished with him. I sent him away.
M.        For a month I know nothing about you, woman!
W.       (touching him) Sooo you missed me? Say it right! You missed me, didn’t you?
M.        Don’t touch me! Did you like it? Was it fun?
W.       Man, why do you want to twist the knife in your own wound?
M.        Say it right! So you liked it. It was fun! It was fun! (he crashes on the armchair)
W.       (she surrounds the armchair, touches his shoulders) I liked it … a lot. And it was very fun!
M.        What?! And you say it just like this?
W.       Since you asked. (pause) But you’re fun, too. (she insists on touching him)
M.        (he stands up nervously) Don’t you even think about! Leave me alone! Don’t touch me!
W.       (takes her hands off him) Ok, as you wish. But say it right: you did miss me!
M.        Ha! Actually, I haven’t! I was with somebody, too.

Woman (alone): He was never a good liar! He was with nobody, because I made sure to let everybody know that he still needs some technical improvements, argumentative, too… . I spread the news that he is not good enough, so that women don’t line up at his door as long as I’m not here.

W.       (pretending curious) So how is she? Who’s she?
M.        How is he? Where did he take you?
W.       It was all inclusive: He was German, but I succeeded in including a Chinese, a black man and a mummy.
M.        A group?! You’re…you’re a bitch! What did you need the mummy for?
W.       (she turns her back on him, returns to her writing table) And you’re some sort of saint of something? Haven’t you just confessed an affair? I had several!
M.        (nervous) We are together since January 2019, but I haven’t betrayed you once! Not even once! And you? (pointing accusative to her) And you left with a German, a Chinese, a black man… and a mummy?! (crashes again on his armchair) Oh, my God! (nervous) What is that you liked at him? (shouts) What is that he has, and I don’t?
W.       He’s a trip journal! He’s younger. You’re a drama journal! You’re older; you belong to ancient times! That’s all! (laughing) Isn’t she also younger than me?

(Somebody knocks at the door)

M.        (jumps to open the door) My fairy tale! (he kisses her) My love! Please come in! (looking at the woman) We were just talking about you!
W.       Son of a bitch!

(Fairy tale gets in, makes few steps around)

F.T.     Don’t bother for me! I’ve never liked this house, anyway. (playing with man’s chin) But you’re fun! I just stopped to say good bye.
M.        It can’t be true!
W.       Of course, that it’s true! (she accompanies F.T. to the door) Very well! Good bye, then! Bye bye! Ciao! Ciao! (Fairy tale leaves, the woman slams the door)

(The woman returns to her writing desk)

M.        (goes to the woman’s desk, puts his hands on her shoulders) You work toooo much. It’s good that you have taken a break. The good thing is that you’re finished with him and that you sent him away.
W.       (she stands up, rolls his tie on her fingers) That’s right… I’m back now… you’re here. And we are even.
M.        We did many foolish things together since January… we had fun too. And…we still can…
W.       Of course we do! Hmmm…
M.        Will you send me away when you’re done with me, too?
W.       It’s really neither the time nor the place to talk about it… .
M.        Did you say anything about improving my technique, my arguments?
W.       Did I say that?! I’ll bite your lips if you talk about technique or arguments now… .
M.        I will not! I’m glad you’re back!
W.       So I am, my drama! So am I!

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