Thursday 3 October 2019

Creative Exercise # 9: The Oscar Goes to…

(Creative dialogue based on the speech of the
UK Opposition Party's Leader, Jeremy Corbyn)

by Laura Lai/Uncategorized

(Scene: a table with lots of microphones, the film director Tino Taran, an actor acting as Jeremy Corbyn, members of the staff)

Tino Taran (to Jeremy Corbyn). J.C. you take the floor, in order to deliver your speech. And try to be as convincing as possible. Ok?

JC. It’s a tough, but I can do it!

T.T. I know! The best role for an actor is to play what he is not. (J.C. nods) If you’re an euro-skeptic, then the best challenge for you is to play the pro-European…the enthusiastic one… you see what I mean?

J.C. (nods).

T.T. (claps his hands, to the staff). Ok, guys! The break is over! Let’s get back to work! (to J.C.) Attention!... Action!

J.C. I’m sure I don’t have to convince anyone here… (he lifts his glasses)

T.T. Cut! Cut! Cut!

J.C. What?! What have I done wrong? I’ve barely started!

T.T. (puts an arm around his shoulders). Everything. J.C. …. you’re not a university teacher to explain formulas at a blackboard, to read to your students from a piece of paper and once in a while to lift your glasses. (Pause) You are the leader of the UK Opposition Party!

J.C. (slightly irritated). The glasses slided on my nose! I have lost some kilogrammes since this Brexit thriller with horror accents got started!

T.T. And I can understand that very well. Unfortunately the producer cannot bring new ones. You know that his thriller is made with public donations. You play the role very well, but when we work together it has to be perfect.

J.C. (smiling) Thank you!

T.T. So?! Shall we start again? (J.C. nods) Guys! Come on! Let’s try again! Attention!... Action!

J.C. I’m sure I don’t need to convince anyone here…

T.T. Cut! Cut! Please cut! (he buries his face in his hands, to J.C.). You did it again! You lifted your glasses!

J.C. I haven’t even realized it!

T.T. Try to concentrate better! Ok?! And try to be even more convincing!

J.C. How do I do that? To look perfectly convincing, Mr. Tino Taran?

T.T. By acting more convincing the role of the pro-European charismatic leader of the British Opposition!

J.C. But charisma is something that you have or you don’t have. It’s not something that you can borrow or even learn it!

T.T Tell me about it! I only have to be in a place and without saying any word, without being extravagant, without doing absolutely nothing or wanting to draw attention and I attract it all. (to the staff). Guys! We take a short coffee break!

Some of the staff do other things, some leave the room.

T.T. (fills up two cups of coffees; he gives one to J.C.). Please, have a sit! You’re perfectly right! It’s a matter of personality. Charisma is something you have or you don’t have. You can’t borrow it and you cannot learn it. But as an actor, you must act. I chose you from so many actors, because I’m convinced that you can play this role very well. This movie cannot be done without you as the leader of the opposition. You have your role in the process and I’m convinced that you can do this role of a charismatic and convincing leader of the Opposition Party.

J.C. I want to play it perfect, but how do I do it?

T.T. A charismatic role can very well be played when you posses a perfect internal harmony that shines around you, when you have clear and transparent objectives that you pursue with lots of passion and enthusiasm. This passion and enthusiasm is reflected in everything one’s doing, be it something small and insignificant or delivering a public speech. As obvious as the passion is, so is the indifference of a political leader, no matter how well it pretends. (J.C. nods) Shall you give it another try?

J.C. Absolutely! (going to the table with microphones) Yeah… absolutely!

T.T. (claps his hands). Come on! Break is over! (People retake their work) Everybody's ready? Attention!... And action!

J.C. ‘I’m sure I don’t need to convince anyone here, but as we look towards the return of the Parliament in September this country is heading into a political and constitutional crisis. It’s the Conservative Party’s failure on Brexit (…) that has provoked this crisis our country faces this autumn. After failing to negotiate a Brexit deal that will protect jobs and living standards, Boris Johnson and his Tories are driving the country towards a no-deal cliff edge. Let’s be clear: we will do everything necessary to stop a disastrous no deal for which this government has no mandate’. 

T.T. Cut! J.C. you acted perfectly. I almost got to believe you myself! Brilliant played!

J.C. Thank you! (to Tino Taran) Next year at the Awards Ceremony the Oscar for the best movie will go to…. (enthusiastically) the ‘Brexit’ thriller!

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