Wednesday 20 November 2019

Creative Writing Exercise # 12: Playing with Antonyms. Previously and Currently on ‘The Nigel Farage Show’ on LBC

by Laura Lai/Uncategorized

No, I’m not sad. But I’m not over the moon either: It’s almost three weeks without ‘The Nigel Farage Show’ on LBC. Three weeks. Already?!
Before the unreasonable will jump to unrealistic conclusions about a reasonable person like me and my realistic reasons why I followed this show live or registered, I should say that this 1-hour show was relevant to me, because it was most often on Brexit and with lot of different callers from distinct areas having less similar points of view.
Previously on the show:
            ‘How much are you willing to compromise to get a deal?’
‘How much am I willing to compromise what to get a deal? Because I’m unwilling to sacrifice anything. And so is the counterpart.’

‘Has John Bercow helped or hindered the Brexit debate?’
‘Colored it!’ I would have answered.
‘Ha! Ha! What do you mean?’
‘I think he colored it with his ties.’
‘You like ties, right?’
‘That’s not right! I don’t like ties, connections, networks; for the incorruptible, it sounds like corruption – also an ugly type and hard to eradicate corruption of somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody, and later we notice that we don’t know anybody, not even the person next to us or with whom we spent years.  But those ties that Bercow was wearing were too beautiful to pass unnoticed.’
‘Right! Next caller is from…’

I can understand the possible reasons why is impossible to have this show on the radio. The show was part of my research on Brexit for a drama I’m writing. I was feeling connected to my writing, constantly reflecting on it. It was also interesting to hear so many opinions expressing themselves freely on radio in this show. I was not feeling disconnected from democracy. I can’t understand bans and censorships; I find them really uninteresting.

            More on ‘Previously on ‘The Nigel Farage Show’ on LBC:
‘How do you feel about Boris Johnson breaking his promise on us leave on October 31st?’
‘I think this Brexit trick is survivable, in order to enjoy the British Brexit treat.’

‘Does he owe us an apology for postponing Brexit?’
‘I’m not included in the collective ‘us’: I’m an outsider. And in order not to be an insider of the EU anymore, one only needs to relocate: “New place, new luck.’ An individual can leave without a deal and without negotiations. But Boris Johnson apologized. It’s unluckily for many politicians to do so. I took it as a sign of strength, not of weakness; of being a human politician, not an inhuman one, a humble British politician, not an arrogant European one, etc.’

The timing was good. This show stopped, when I was quite ready with my drama writing, but the addiction to listen to the LBC’s debates is unstoppable, and I downloaded the app on my smart phone. ‘The Nigel Farage Show’ on LBC sounded a joyful political discussion on a less joyful political topic – as most political topics are. What’s that? Listen…
Currently on ‘The Nigel Farage Show’:
‘With 30 days to go until the 31st of January, do you think that we’re leaving with a deal, without a deal or we are not leaving at all?’

I thought that Britain and Brexit are already released from ‘House arrest’… .

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