Wednesday 15 April 2020

Easter Confession. HAPPY EASTER!!!

photo by Laura Lai

by Laura Lai/Essay

This week is, for some of us, the Holly Week. For some of us, Easter will be celebrated this Sunday. And I am one of those. It is usually a week of prayer, and on Saturday at midnight we light our candle in church and pass the light to each other. This light is brought every year on Saturday from Jerusalem so that at midnight we can take it from church and bring it to our houses.

This pandemic that we definitely need to survive is theoretically called ‘virus’, but in practice is an invisible killer. Measures have been taken: on the one side, the laic state wants us all in houses and banned all gatherings (including the Church ones). On the other side, the Institution of the Orthodox Church understood the importance of these measures, respects these measures and there will be no gatherings in church. However, it is hard for the Church – and this is easy to understand – to see itself prevented by a damn pandemic to bring the light from Jerusalem and pass this light to the believers, as it traditionally does. Therefore, the laic state will allow people to get out in front of their houses and wait for the Church volunteers to bring the light from church. At first sight, it looks like the laic state and the Church have worked out this issue for the Easter night.

But I am not convinced that it is so. This pandemic looks more ‘snak(e)y’ to be worked out so easily. To me, it looks more like this damn pandemic has used the weaknesses of both the State and the Church to continue this Easter tradition, so that it can reach its goal of increasing the death toll.
            In concrete terms, what the State and Church have done looks as follows: if we are allowed in front of our block of flats (because many of us do not leave in a house or a villa) it means at least 20 people waiting for the Church volunteers to bring the light, volunteers that have seen other groups of people and to whom they passed the light. Furthermore, when we, the believers, take this light we traditionally say ‘Jesus has arisen!’ and the other one replies ‘It’s true! He has arisen’. If each of us stretches the arm, we may take the light from 1,5 – 2 meters social distance, but are we all going to pay attention without exception? Gatherings and small conversations are sufficient elements for this damn pandemic to increase its death toll.

It is up to each believer’s conscious to do what it thinks is right in the Easter night. I am also a believer in God. Easter is my favorite holiday. I wait for Easter with an emotion hard to describe. Spring is my favorite season. I love seeing the trees in spring and to hear the birds joyfully singing in trees! For my mother, Easter is also a special holidays, because it is on the 1st day of Easter that she has given birth to me. Thanks God that I was born healthy. It is through Divine Grace that God gave me LIFE. And like all of us, I also was not born with a candle in my hand. But ALIVE and HEALTHY!
            Therefore, I believe I have a responsibility to protect the LIFE that God has given me. In so far, I have not smoked or drunk and I have moderate eaten. For Easter during this pandemic I will also do what my conscious tells me to do. I will leave this damn pandemic to win this Easter battle, so that I can win the war: to enjoy as many Easters as I am given by God, to go to church many more times that I skipped during the pandemic, to light as many candles as I want afterwards, and on Easter, not only to receive a light from a Church volunteer that has it from Jerusalem, but to be able myself to go to Jerusalem and light a candle!

I personally stood strong like a rock in front of strong winds and heavy rains that wanted me shaped in a way or another I dislike. This pandemic is just like one of those winds and rains. But if we stay strong like a rock, this pandemic wind will blow less and less strongly until it will cease. The rain will stop, too. There will be sunshine and many


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